Today, Local 685 members attended the Board of Supervisor’s meeting to send a strong message about unsafe working conditions and the Board's latest actions.
Over 100 bargaining unit members attended. Dressed in AFSCME green, we showed solidarity and support for fair bargaining for the members of our Local Union.
The Board definitely noticed the large number of Probation Officers in attendance. Upon opening the meeting, the Board quickly went into closed session to discuss “closure items.” This appeared unusual - the the Board typically conducts all closed session business at the conclusion of general open items.
Local 685 members showed up in force, proving that our numbers matter. Our strength today was in our numbers and in our powerful message.
Thank you, Local 685 members, for your attendance and your continued dedication to our Local Union’s unwavering demand for enhanced, safe working conditions.
KFI Radio Exposes Officer Safety Challenges
Our fight and struggles were highlighted on the John & Ken KFI-AM radio broadcast today.
Click here to read and listen to KFI staff writer Steve Gregory’s report.